Lebanon Pioneer


Online Map Photos




Nearest Town:


Est. # Burials:



T 12S, R 2W, 11

Size in Acres:


USGS Lat/Lon:

443239N 1225415W


Driving Directions:

At the end of N. Park St., Lebanon


Contact Info:

Linn Co. Tax Assessor: Lot BC-1400
LEBANON OR 97355-0000
Deed Ref: 260-028


In 1852 Jeremiah Ralston laid and platted the town of Lebanon, and he and Morgan Kees gave a ten-acre tract to the Methodist conference for church, cemetery, and school purposes. The Methodist Episcopal Church and the Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery were established on that tract....The Methodist Episcopal Church of Lebanon owned the cemetery until 1958.

Sadly neglected for a number of years, it is now watched over by volunteers of Lebanon. For the last ten years, a Pioneer Cemetery cleanup event has been held in August.

A history of the Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery was written by Pat Dunn & Jeanne Gentry and published by City of Lebanon in 1995 (revised edition). It is a lovely book with historical and genealogical information as well as many photographs. All proceeds from the sale of this book go towards upkeep of this cemetery. See Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery for information on ordering a copy of this book.


[Sources indicate that Leslie Haskin included this cemetery is his WPA survey -- but apparently I missed it when I pulled these records.  I'll transcribe the WPA history for this site at a future date.  LLJ]

Published Transcriptions:

    Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon.  Compiled by Patricia Dunn and Jeanne Gentry.  1995 Revision Published by city of Lebanon, Oregon.

Online Transcriptions:

    Available at Lebanon Genealogical Society.



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References used to prepare these cemetery pages are provided.
Lisa L. Jones prepared and is solely responsible for the content of these pages. 
Copyright 2001.